should be sharing the gospel in places where those who are hurting the most are and bring Christ into the bars, hookah lounges, and casinos.
All children of God have unique mission fields and callings for their lives. As believers our mission in life should be simple -- to make disciples and share the gospel. Through the hardships and brokenness that we all deal with, God is allowing you to form your own specific mission field. Your past may be messy, mine certainly is. My testimony is extensive from the result of sin. The sins that others chose which in turn affected me, and the sin that I had committed out of the emotional pain that I was in, made for hurt, but God gave me healing and a chance to help others. Fortunately, when you accept Christ as your personal Savior, and repent from your sins, the life that you had before meeting Jesus is left where it should be - in the past. You are a completely new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). While this is proof of incredible grace, sometimes God has a way of allowing us to use our own past regrets that we had before knowing Christ and use it as a witnessing tool to non-believers.
When it comes to witnessing, it can be easy to stay in our comfort zones and turn our heads when the Holy Spirit is leading us to share the good news. At times, it can be uncomfortable, challenging, or even dangerous. However, the walk with Christ is never guaranteed to be comfortable, easy, or safe. If you are looking for an easy road, I do not suggest Christianity. Believers are to be set apart from the world.
You could be wondering, “Why me?”
or “I am too broken to be a witness.” The doubt from Satan may be weighing on
"Through the hardships and brokenness that we all deal with, God is allowing you to form your own specific mission field."
" When it comes to witnessing, it can be easy to stay in our comfort zones and turn our heads when the Holy Spirit is leading us to share
the good news. "