dodging from where I was being called. Little did I realize that something as simple as a haircut would be changing my direction.
A chain of events happened within a few days, and while still having doubts, I found out about an “Open Call” audition in my area. I went to the audition out of stubbornness. I thought if I went to this specific audition, this is all God would desire from me. I was not expecting a callback, but I was curious if this was where God wanted me to be performing. Auditions happened on Saturday afternoons and any callbacks would happen on Sundays. As someone who struggles with anxiety, the time between any audition and callbacks made me anxious, but yet I had peace.
That evening during the “waiting period,” I went to a favorite coffee shop with my laptop and the intention of working on a writing project. A couple hours in, my phone rang. It was the only person, besides my immediate family, who even knew that I was going to this audition. He asked me how my afternoon went and when callbacks would be. I asked how his evening was going and what he was doing.
He responded, “Leah, do you really want to know where I am coming from?”
With that response, I was intrigued and was immediately curious.
“I am on my way back from the casino. This afternoon the Holy Spirit told me to go to the casino.”
“Okay. What did the Spirit lead you to do?”
“I met a man outside of the casino and I was able to witness to him.” Within
“I am on my way back from the casino. This afternoon the Holy Spirit told me
to go to the casino.”
this story of God moving, I was immediately reminded and encouraged that sometimes when we don’t understand the jungle that God is leading us into, lives can be changed through our simple act of obedience.
When I first heard this story, I shamefully admit that I thought, “Why would God send him to the casino.” But then after hearing the testimony, I changed my way of thinking to, “Why wouldn’t God send him there?” I was reminded that if we only witness to the church, how will our spiritual family grow? The Lord can use us to witness in places that may be miles from a physical church (building). You see, the Holy Spirit does not just move within the parameters of the church building. Not all ministries can or should be done in locations that are pretty to witness in.
Jesus did not come for the “just.” He came and witnessed to those who were broken and in desperate need of a Savior. We need missionaries inside of red light districts, abortion clinics, and county jails. Maybe those who are in need of Christ or even have a small desire to know Him will not set foot into a church building while in search of healing, therefore, we need to be witnessing in all places. Maybe we