Article by Lama-Leah
The Holy Spirit is an essential part of my walk as a believer, however, sometimes the places that He will take us can be faith testing and faith building; we may not always understand where God is taking us, but be encouraged that He always has a purpose and a plan.
If God is in control of your life and your heart is open to the Holy Spirit, you are essentially allowing Him to take you places that you least expect. You may be taken out of your comfort zone, on the contrary, you could be lead into places that are exactly within your area of comfort. Either way when God tells you “GO” in the form of ministry, it can be faith building and faith testing, but wherever He may take you, He will always be by your side.
I am being completely honest when I say that at times when God tells me to minister somewhere or to someone specifically I have doubt. I have doubt that my testimony can have power. I have doubt that I can make a positive influence for Christ. I deal with doubt and insecurity. I realize that these insecurities
come from the DEVIL and that I can rebuke them in the name of Christ’s blood. In a way, I believe that there is power within the insecurities that most believers deal with because we have the privilege of overcoming and defeating those little voices, but there is even more power in us moving in the direction that the Holy Spirit has lead us to go.
In the past two years, God has continually revealed to me that I am to go into a mission field. More specifically, I am supposed to be using my musical abilities as a ministry. I had been continually fighting this because of my doubts, insecurities, and pure lies from the enemy. I did exactly what the prophet Jonah did -- I ran in the opposite direction, trying to avoid God. After the Holy Spirit completely convicted me, I finally (sort of) surrendered. I told the person who I was seeing at the time about my calling. He was the first person that I had shared this with and I asked him to keep me accountable. Next, I went to the hair salon and got a haircut. I halfheartedly did this because my physical appearance was not ready for any auditions or performances. I believed that this was just another “step,” as I was