Discovering YOU Magazine Draft October 2024 Issue | Page 40



Article by Pastor Philip Nissley,

New Hope Assembly of God, Taylor, MI

At Halloween, people seek scary and horrific stuff, but we are not to live in fear but faith in God who wants you to trust Him fully! To get your attention, I have titled this article The Scariest Scene & Words in the Bible. In the Bible, we find several scary scenes: Eve in Genesis 3, talking to a snake and taking forbidden fruit that brought sin and shame; Abraham in Genesis 19, seeing smoke rising from Sodom and Gomorrah; the Earth opening its mouth in Numbers 16 and swallowing Korah’s family because of their disobedience; King Saul consulting a witch in I Samuel 28; Jesus’ story in Luke 16 of Rich Man in hell; Judas hanging from a noose after betraying Jesus; Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5 falling dead for lying to Peter and the Holy Spirit; and the Battle of Armageddon in Revelations 14 (with blood up to horses bridle) are all scary. But no scene is as scary as standing before God in Eternal Judgment at His White Throne (Rev. 20:11-15) and being eternally condemned to the Lake of Fire. There are some scary words in the Bible, but I believe the scariest scripture is in Matt. 7:21-23.

Nothing this side of the Great White Throne Judgment will compare, and there will be nowhere to hide. No one will hide behind excuses, ignorance, and false professions. Everyone will face Jesus as Lord and Judge, and they will receive a just sentence for their sins. I want to examine the facts concerning an event that is known as The Great White Throne Judgment. Look with me to the 1st of 3 items:


A.The Picture of This Throne - To describe this awesome place, John uses two adjectives to describe this throne: It is called Great, referring to “its power.” This is the highest court in the universe! This is the place of highest authority, and all judgments rendered here will be final! It is called White, referring to “the purity” of this court. The Judge who occupies this bench is infallible. He renders judgment in perfect righteousness and fairness, and every sentenced sinner will know that they have received perfect and fair judgment.