Discovering YOU Magazine December 2019 Issue | Page 5


Sarah lost her puppy when she went over to her grandmothers to visit for the Christmas break. She was walking him when he broke loose from the leash, running after another dog he saw across the street. She was devastated and scared. Her grandmother had taken the time to go to the local animal shelter and picked out this puppy for her twelfth birthday; it was a present that her grandmother promised she would get her. Sarah ran down the street and looked frantically, but the six-month-old puppy was nowhere to be found.

Sarah's grandmother immediately asked the neighbors if they found a puppy and she even put out flyers with a picture of Sarah holding her precious little friend. In just a few days, there was a knock at Sarah's door and a boy named Charles, and his mother, stood there with the puppy in his arms. The boy asked Sarah if this was her dog and the dog began to bark and its tail wagged when he saw Sarah; she was elated. Sarah's grandmother invited the boy and his mom in for a hot cup of cocoa, and they accepted the invitation.

They sat down and began to talk, and Sarah invited Charles to her room to see her Star Wars collection; he was excited to see it because he loved Star Wars too. When he took off his Jacket and rolled up his sleeves, Sarah saw a familiar mark on one of his forearms and she asked him

what it was. Charles told her that it was a birth mark. Sarah was in awe because she too had a birthmark just like his on her forearm; she thought to herself that this was a strange coincidence. She immediately asked Charles to follow her downstairs because she wanted to show her grandmother that both she and Charles had the same birthmark. When her grandmother saw the birthmark on both children, she had a strange look on her face as if it she was relieved but nervous at the same time.

Twin Angels and a Puppy

Submitted by Dr. Tunishai Ford