Discovering YOU Magazine December 2019 Issue | Page 4




Hello everyone,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our subscribers. We have had an exciting year and there are many wonderful memories to look back on. I hope as a subscriber that you have equally enjoyed the magazine as much as we enjoyed bringing it to you. This issue will also prove to be just as exciting. As we finish up this year and prepare to go into the new one, I feel that there is going to be a shifting and transference in the spirit. God is going to cause many of you to walk in your purpose, if you desire and trust Him to complete the work He has started in you.

Are you ready to be launched? Are you ready to walk in your purpose? If the answer is “yes”, then prepare to experience a spiritual catapulting. There is a work for you to complete for such a time as this and you are going to realize that one thing that God has waited many seasons to prepare you to walk in your designed and appointed calling. Next year is going to be a year when many prophecies, dreams and prayers will come to fruition and there will be nothing that can stop it. God’s hand is upon each one of

you who choose to believe His word and trust Him for the perfect plan that is to take place in your life. I know that it will happen, and I want you to get excited with expectations of fulfillment.

This issue is going to highlight some of the exciting events we experienced this past year and it will also be showcasing many inspiring articles from 2019.

In addition to our featured showcase, we have other articles that will enlighten you, lift your spirits and cause you to sit up and take notice. I keep reiterating that this magazine is a “One stop shop”. Everything that pertains to life and that will help you transform yours is in our publication. Don’t forget, you can also be featured in the magazine; it can happen. We are excited about our last issue for the year and we want you to be excited too. Tell a friend about our publication because somewhere in it they will find themselves too. As I always advise, find yourself a comfortable chair, prepare your favorite hot beverage, and take a journey with our writers as you Discover......Your Own Uniqueness!


Tunishai Ford

Editor and Chief