Discovering YOU Magazine December 2019 Issue | Page 13


In this issue of “Discovering YOU Magazine” you will get a chance to read how the non-profit 501c3, business/ministry “Your Own Uniqueness, Inc.” got started and the assignments that have evolved and are evolving from it through the courage God gives me to press into them. I don't know about you, but sometimes I need to just exhale and because I am tired of all the pain I must ingest, I look forward to the rest. It is well overdue for many of you; therefore, won't you take this ride? It's okay because God is carrying you as He has carried me and continues to carry me through this journey with YOU, Inc. Do you see His footsteps? It's okay to ask for His help.

Courage is a word that is used to describe some great feat that someone accomplished in deed. But, what about the one who just decided to stick around although the tears are falling? What about the one who realized he or she failed and yet, is able to hold their head up high anyway? I say that is courage. Doesn't that describe you? Well, it certainly describes me. I need a jolt from time to time, but until it comes, I have the courage to stand and trust that God has this situation in His hands.

When you meet dynamic people, whose goal is to impact the world, I believe that is worthy of putting them in the spotlight. It’s not every day that you get the opportunity to be in the presence of a genuine woman who is part of an organization that wants to change the home life and working conditions of people all over the world. I am honored to introduce to our reading audience the three organizations who have started a movement called, the Catapult Uganda! 2019, Catalyst Empowerment Group, LLC along with Wonder Christian Center and the Evolve Uganda Project. These organizations want to bring solutions to some of the issues that impact lives, the economy, and the future of the nation of Uganda. Deborah Barrett, who heads the Catapult Uganda! 2019 project holds the cover and is our top story in this month’s issue of our magazine. We featured this great lady last year. She is an example of excellence, intelligence and integrity, and I hope this year's article about Deborah and her group will inspire you to soar and reach great heights in your own life.