Discovering YOU Magazine December 2019 Issue | Page 14


This month's issue will feature a veteran who chose to remember people who made an impact throughout the years. Mr. Fred Moore, Jr. lived through history and has experienced historical events. Just know that it is our intent to inspire you to get up and start moving in the direction of fulfilling your mission while you are given time to complete it.

Mission is defined as "a special and distinct assignment given to someone to complete". The key words here are assignment and complete. I have often talked about purpose and fulfilling your destiny, and they can be looked upon as being synonymous in meaning. Purpose deals with what we are created for, for example, a piano was created to produce music. Destiny deals with the course of events that actually assist you in realizing your purpose, for example, the piano was created with wood, strings and metal to produce an instrument that produces music.

Now mission is the act in which the purpose and destiny are allowed to come together to fulfill the intended assignment of that which was created. Once more, the piano was made with wood, string and metal to produce an instrument that creates music that will ultimately be used to perform in orchestras, plays, movies, and concerts (the assignment).

In this issue, we will be spotlighting the summer’s youth program, STEP UP 2019. You will get an opportunity to learn about some very extraordinary young people who desire to become entrepreneurs. We had the event’s kick off on Monday, June 17. It was a success and well attended. I was exceptionally pleased with the outcome. As you take a look at the photos, I want you to think about all of the hard work that went into bringing that day to fruition. It took much prayer, hard work and some tears, but we did it; we did it with just a few people. Well, I have always said that God does His best work with just a small number of people.

This issue will also be bringing you some great advice, information, and inspiration for your reading pleasure. Don’t skip any articles. Make sure you read each one.