Discovering YOU Magazine December 2019 Issue | Page 12


Each article will encourage you to face challenges head on and inspire you to embrace the positive outcomes that they will bring. It is necessary to become our best selves, if we are going to overcome and master the enslaving faults we live with daily that are hindering us from finding our way. We can no longer accept the mediocrity in our lives just to only get by. Yes, this year is going to present its challenges and there will be losses too, but we can overcome adversity. Therefore, allow this issue to challenge you to start this year off right and by truly looking at the man or the woman in the mirror, purposing in your hearts and souls to grow and prosper as you Discover......Your Own Uniqueness!

The articles in this issue will uplift your spirit and encourage you to seek and expect an overflow of God's blessings this year. He is El Shaddai-the God of "Super provision". Forget the resolution that you may have meticulously promised to fulfill this year. Instead, ask Him to be the Pilot of every area of your life that you want to improve.

Finally, as we commemorate Black History Month, let's remember our African American pioneers who made sacrifices for not only their own people, but for the nation and for the world to be a better place. Let the poem that I am submitting inspire you to look at the greatness of creation and understand the infinite intent of God's plan for mankind.

A portion of the introduction

for each issue in 2019 is taken

from the Editor's Desk.