Discovering YOU Magazine August 2018 Issue | Page 23


or in some cases for other reasons listed in this article.

Now, once you do get a call for an interview, that’s the time to prepare for that day. These next tips are just some of the things that I looked at while interviewing new employees. In order to know more than what I’m stating, you need to research additional advice regarding this subject, plus I’m sure someone out there wrote a book on this subject matter, so these are just your basic tips in showing up for the initial interview.

times to show your great personality. By researching this company, you will have confidence in answering all their questions, but remember to be precise in your answers and don’t ramble on, and always smile and give good eye contact to show you are paying attention while showing good posture, make sure you show up on time for the interview, which is very important. I’ve dealt with some people who would show up late for an interview, and now for me that becomes strike one against them in being hired.

Now, while you are giving your answers to the interviewers questions, he or she may be looking at how you are dressed, your shoes, your fingernails, how you groom yourself etc. Always dress to impress, because that alone will help your cause tremendously.

When you ask questions, make sure they are good ones, not a question necessarily on how much the job pays for instance, but that question is okay to ask as long as it’s not the main question, meaning the first question. Finding out what the job entails would be a good opening type of question on your part to ask.

Anyways, here is something to think about! You may have been in a situation where you needed to leave a former job because things were not so good between you and your previous employer. During your interview, you may be tempted to bad mouth your former boss or co-worker. Never bad mouth any previous employer or co-worker, even if what you are saying is true, because that alone may be the only reason why you would fail an interview and not get the job you are seeking.

Anyways, long before the interview, you should research the company you’re interested in, to find out everything you can about them which will go a long way in showing them that you did your homework in knowing about their company. By knowing the company, you will impress the person who is interviewing you, and you may also have questions you can ask during the interview, just to show your interest in their company. They will also have many questions to ask you to see your level of interest in their company and you need to not only sell yourself to this person, but your passion needs to be on display at all