SIGHTS & attractions
The best way to see the impressive buildings that have sprung up along Dubai Creek
is from the waterway, and bustling Abra stations will provide you with a quick and
efficient way to cross the water.
Dubai Creek is full of water taxis and Abras ferrying
people around, and can be boarded at numerous locations
along the banks. Abras are small barges that are powered
by diesel engines and can seat around 20 people.
Incidentally, the work force commute across the Creek on
a regular basis and there are over 17,500 Abra crossings
per day, so if you’re wearing expensive or light coloured
clothing it's advisable to remain standing for the trip, as
the bench seats can get a little grubby. Abras can also be hired for private trips along the Creek and if
you negotiate well with the boat captains, you should get a good deal.
Once you land on
the Deira side of
the Creek, all you
have to do is follow
your nose and take
in the breathtaking
selection of spices,
such as ginger,
chillies, cardamom and frankincense, all displayed
in huge jute sacks ready to burst at the seams.
Wandering around the stalls is a pleasant way to
pass an evening and the fragrances can really help
to work up an appetite. This is a working souq
which sells goods to locals and sailors from the
dhows, and is a good place to buy incense burners,
saffron, rose water, henna kits and shisha pipes.
One of the things Middle Eastern
Arabs are known for is their strong,
spicy fragrances and perfumes. The Perfume
Souk is the ideal place to explore these
alluring scents and a great opportunity to
find your perfect smell. Besides traditional
perfumes, they also sell branded fragrances
from around the world, so it's well worth a
fragrant tour of the many shops.
Even if you’re not looking for anything in particular,
the Gold Souk is worth a visit to see the glittering array of
merchandise on offer (especially in the evening). There are over
1000 jewellery shops in Dubai, and with no taxes, low import
duties and high turnovers allowing for lower margins, it's one
of the cheapest cities in the world to buy gold jewellery. If you
are looking to buy, don’t feel pressured into anything by the first
shop, everyone's prepared to barter and there’s plenty of choice!
28 | JULY Discover Dubai