Dis-Chem Half Marathon 2024 Digi-mag Digimag_Dischem 2024 | Page 4

Message from the Race Director

Bedfordview Country Club ( BCC ) Athletics is proud to host the Dis-Chem Half Marathon and 5km Dash presented by Momentum Multiply . I would like to extend a massive thank you to the Race Committee and the 250 plus volunteers from BCC , including family and friends from other running clubs who come together to host this race . Race marshals will be stationed along the route , providing safety and encouragement to the runners . There will be six water points manned by volunteers , Germiston Callies and Edenvale Rand Road Warriors , serving Coke in cups and water sachets . Club gazebos , catering and locker facilities will be available at the finish .

As the newly appointed BCC Race Director I am excited and honoured to be working on the 22nd race with a fresh rebrand . BCC are delighted to continue the journey with Dis-Chem and the co-sponsors who make races like ours possible for runners at all levels to enjoy and kick start their running calendar in the new year .
We thank the following co-sponsors : Transact , Centrum , Norflex Gel , smecta , TransAct , ViralChoice , Biogen , Vaseline and Gillette for their support . Their contributions remain crucial to ensuring the continued success of the event . We would like to welcome our new sponsors onboard , the Dis-Chem Half Marathon and 5km Dash is presented by Momentum Multiply . Momentum Multiply is a wellness rewards programme that helps you improve the way you eat , sleep , breathe , move , and connect . With a focus on holistic wellness , Multiply offers a comprehensive range of benefits , including discounts and cashbacks on gym memberships , healthy groceries , wellness services , and more .
# runclean
We promote and support the Modern Athlete # runclean initiative . We would also like to add to this as race organisers . Our goal is to make the race more sustainable . Net Zero Carbon Events is a global initiative and the focus is intensifying even further with the realisation that we need to accelerate our actions in response to look after our planet , not only to secure our own future but to support the many other sectors we rely on for our existence . We want runners to achieve their PBs and enjoy putting down their footprints on the road , while we reduce the environmental footprint of every race we host by reducing waste that cannot be recycled . Every approved race is required by law to have a waste plan in place to ensure that all waste that can be , is recycled .
1 . Glass bottles – Coke takes empties . Any other glass bottles are separated and taken to Remade Recycling to be weighed and recycled .
2 . Plastic material - Water sachets , containers , plastic wraps , etc . are taken to Remade Recycling to be weighed and recycled .
3 . Cans - Once separated , cans are taken to Collect-a-Can to be weighed and recycled .
4 . Paper / cardboard / magazines - Once separated , taken to Impact Recycling to be weighed and recycled .
What ’ s happening at the water tables ?
We will be using water sachets and cups with Coke . Cups for water have proven to be a challenge but we would really like to reduce the waste and amount of rubbish the race creates that cannot be recycled . We are exploring bio-degradable cups and sachet options for future races . We all have a responsibility to minimise our impact on the environment . We need to change
the way we do things , and as road runners it starts with reducing your environmental footprint , while running more !
Why are there no medals ?
We are not handing out or selling medals . Medals are costly and they cannot be recycled . Use these races to improve on your PB . Enjoy the experience of the race day , your time on the road with friends and enjoy the FREE race photos sponsored by Mitchum , Dis-Chem and Biogen . Find the joy in running ! Over the years we have had boxes of unclaimed medals from previous races which we have donated to CHOC and the Paediatric ward at the Charlotte Maxeke Hospital in Johannesburg . Even when we sold the medals at the 2023 race we had boxes of unclaimed medals left over .
What does your race entry fee get you ?
The first 6000 x 21km entries get a race number , a technical running shirt and a goodie bag . The entry fees of the 5km and 21km race covers the infrastructure and services required to host a race based on the number of runners . These costs include event approval by CGA , SAPs and Ekurhuleni , CGA fees , website and marketing , online registration , race timing of both distances , safety , security , medics , portable toilets , EMPD traffic management , signage , fencing , tents , gazebos , furniture hire , etc . Hosting a race is costly and the event industry and service providers were decimated during Covid restrictions and are currently still taking a knock from load shedding and fuel increases . You will notice that race entry fees are all in a similar pricing range due to these fixed costs race organisers have to cover . We couldn ’ t host a race without our sponsors and the many volunteers who marshal , help us on the race committee , assist at registration , field set up and at the water points .
Thank you for your kind support !
THANK YOU to all the runners who made donations to the our two race charities : Lambano Sanctuary for orphaned children with HIV and the Namaqua Dog and Donkey Foundation , which undertakes the sterilisation , vaccination and treatment of animals in informal settlements on the East Rand . All donations by runners , over and above their entry fee , will be matched by the Dis-Chem Foundation .

Charnia Yapp

Race Director Bedfordview Country Club – Athletics 

4 Dis-Chem 21k & 5k Presented by Momentum Multiply | 14 January 2024