The Netherlands has a strong standing in the areas of
renewable energy and energy effi ciency and a leading position
in wind energy at sea, biomass processing and greenhouse
farming. The energy sector contributes substantially to Dutch
national income, exports and employment. The government
has therefore opted for a modern industry policy aimed at
making better use of the economic opportunities for both
green and grey energy.
Clean reliable and aff ordable
A sustainable and robust energy supply is crucial as a
motor of economic growth and for the wellbeing of society
as a whole: it must be clean, reliable and aff ordable. Themes
such as the internationalisation of the energy markets and
reduction of CO2 are essential in achieving these higher
goals. Growing demand for sustainable energy creates
many new opportunities within the energy sector, such as
generation, transport and trade in energy. The Netherlands
has a solid basis for further energy growth – it’s geographical
location with many kilometres of coastline for wind-power;
the powerhouse of key European harbours in Amsterdam,
Rotterdam, and Antwerp (ARA); and signifi cant natural
gas reserves and the presence of a strong gas infrastructure,
provide a basis from which to grow to become the energy-
hub of Europe.
Five strengths of Dutch renewable energy:
1. A courageous vision for 2050
2. Experimenting with decentralised energy
3. Europe’s leader in green gas
4. Great experience in energy effi ciency and an international
reputation for research in renewable energy
5. Leading expertise in off shore wind energy & aims to
become ‘Europe’s bio fuel hub’
High tech industries in the Netherlands are among the
most innovative in the world, thanks to state-of-the-art
facilities and cutting-edge research and development. Dutch
technological know-how and products are much sought-after
and are exported worldwide.
Cross-overs in technology and collaboration:
The Netherlands’ centuries-old tradition of creativity,
pragmatism, entrepreneurship, openness and collaboration
forms a perfect fi t for the High-Tech Systems and Materials
(HTSM) sector. These qualities make the Netherlands the
perfect place to fi nd solutions to the challenges society is
facing today in the areas of health and wellness, security,
renewable energy, mobility and climate; solutions that, due
to the complexity of the challenge, are primarily generated
through cross-overs in technology and collaboration. Rapid
innovation and collaboration across the value chain is
imperative in this highly competitive and highly complex
sector and a well-functioning network (‘ecosystem’) of
specialised companies and institutions is crucial to achieving
this. These ‘ecosystems’ or centres-of-excellence are located
around the country with perhaps the most significant
being Brainport region Eindhoven, in the Southeast of the
Netherlands – voted World’s Most Innovative Region, in
2015. There are also strong concentrations of high-tech
companies and universities in other parts of the Netherlands,
such as around Twente and Delft. The high-tech sector
includes a number of closely related industries including:
the high-tech systems industries, automotive, aerospace and
materials, including steel.
Five reasons why the Dutch high tech industry is vital to
meeting the global challenges of today:
1. The Dutch open, creative & entrepreneurial spirit
2. Technological excellence, a leader in the high tech
3. A computer-savvy population
4. Network of specialised companies and institutions &
frontrunner in ‘open innovation’
5. Always keeping an eye on the future
14 • Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatist • Vol 7 • Issue 4 • April-May 2019, Noida