The average life expectancy of people in the Netherlands
is about 81 years. Research also suggests the Netherlands
has the tallest people and happiest children in the world. Our
150-year-old healthcare system is accessible for everyone
and known throughout the globe. With strong links between
industry and academia, focused clusters, and strong chains
linking research to product and business creation, the Dutch
Life Sciences & Health sector competes on a global scale.
The Dutch horticultural sector is a global trendsetter
supplying markets all over the globe, as well as being a
leading innovator in greenhouse technology. The Dutch
horticulture sector is the undisputed international market
leader in fl owers, plants, bulbs and reproductive material and
the number three exporter in nutritional horticulture products.
It forms the heart of an international network for fl oriculture,
bulbs, and decorative trees as well as fruit and vegetables.
A signifi cant contribution to the country’s prosperity
The challenges faced in establishing sustainable urban
population centres are often related to basic human needs
such as food and shelter. Supplies of vital resources such
as water, food and energy must be secured and this requires
smart thinking and creative solutions. The systems that were
designed over centuries to deal with this set of circumstances
in the Netherlands now off er prime export possibilities to
countries dealing with resource shortages. Dutch horticulture
is a global trendsetter and is concentrated in six clusters, called
Greenports, where businesses and research institutes work
closely together on production, R&D, logistics, infrastructure,
and exports. Horticulture makes a signifi cant contribution to
the country’s prosperity, through the considerable volumes
and sheer quality of production, as well as via technological
innovations. These include intelligent greenhouses that can
fl oat on water, robot fruit pickers, innovative energy-saving
lighting, water and waste recycling, and greenhouses that
generate more energy than they consume and feed power
to the grid.
Five reasons why Holland is the world’s leading supplier
of fl owers, plants and trees:
1. Leader in Green genomics
2. A wide variety of trees and shrubs
3. The Golden triangle, a unique approach to innovation
4. The renowned Dutch greenhouses: a city of glass
5. Logistical hubs & development of high-quality
Total solutions from science to patients
This innate approach to cooperation and creativity, and
the willingness to work together to achieve greater goals,
are what has led to the Netherlands achieving a top position
in public-private research and ‘open innovation’. For the
Dutch Life Science & Health sector, knowledge-sharing and
close cooperation and collaboration between companies and
research institutions, with full support of the government,
is what drives this success. The Dutch model, moving from
research to knowledge, innovation, and products, generates
sustainable, aff ordable and proven solutions and sets the
standard worldwide. The strong inter-disciplinary approach
produces a high level of knowledge and expertise across the
entire healthcare chain, from science, to patient, and often
results in comprehensive ‘total solutions’. Innovative Dutch
products and services in the areas of as remote care, medical
apparatus, and diagnostic coupling between Pharma and
Medtech, provide the answers to many of today’s global
healthcare challenges.
Five strengths of the Dutch Life Sciences & Health sector:
1. Remarkable contributions throughout history
2. Collaboration, cooperation and coalition building
3. A turn-key approach
4. National Genome Initiative
5. High quality, accessible and aff ordable health care
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatist • Vol 7 • Issue 4 • April-May 2019, Noida • 15