Digital-Newsletter_Spring_2023 | Page 21

Take a closer look at these three protected rare species that call Ghana home :
Togo Slippery Frog
For decades , the Critically Endangered Togo Slippery Frog — also known as the “ whistling frog ” for the sound it makes — was thought to be extinct . But in 2005 , leading herpetologist Dr . Caleb Ofori-Boateng and his team discovered a previously unknown population of this frog in eastern Ghana ’ s Togo-Volta region . This species ’ last viable population is estimated at fewer than 250 individuals .
togo slippery frog | herp-ghana
>>> The Togo Slippery Frog and the Ukami Reed Frog are both protected by Rainforest Trust in the Onepone Refuge for Amphibians .
Intermediate Puddle Frog
Endemic to Ghana , this species can be found in swampy areas and along narrow streams within the rainforest . This species ’ declining population results from logging , commercial exploitation of the Raffia palm and agriculture . Critically Endangered , only 12 individuals were recorded in a 2021 survey .
>>> The Intermediate Puddle Frog is protected in the Ankasa Conservation Area . intermediate puddle frog | herp-ghana
Ukami Reed Frog
The Vulnerable Ukami Reed Frog is found living in eastern , western and northern parts of Ghana . While the population of this rare species is unknown , it is expected to decline as its habitat is destroyed by agricultural expansion , logging and expanding human settlements . ukami reed frog | herp-ghana
dr . caleb ofori-boateng examining a frog | herp-ghana