Fighting Climate Change With Your Support
Safeguarding forests of any type and keeping the carbon they capture stored in wood and earth is one of the most efficient and cost-effective ways to fight climate change . This impact is increased when we protect forests and vegetation that sequester more — like mangroves and peat forests — or when we halt the imminent destruction of an old growth forest .
In 2021 , Rainforest Trust launched the Rainforest Climate Action Fund ( RCAF ) to give our donors the choice to target their support to projects with the greatest potential to mitigate climate change . RCAF funds are used in projects identified by Rainforest Trust staff as protecting supersequesters , frontier forests and carbon vaults .
To date , the Rainforest Climate Action Fund has supported 10 Rainforest Trust projects worldwide . These projects , once complete , will permanently lock up an amount of CO 2 equivalent to that emitted by 192 million vehicles driven for one year . Our goal is to permanently lock up 15 billion metric tons of CO 2 equivalents by 2025 .
Protecting Mangroves in Cuba
For example in Cuba , Rainforest Trust and Wildlife Conservation Society , together with the local Antonio Nuñez Jimenez Foundation , are creating the new 22,574- acre Cananovas Habitat / Species Management Area . These acres will store more than 2.4 million metric tons of CO 2 equivalents . Thriving where land meets the water , mangrove forests in this proposed protected area will sequester carbon at a rate as much as 10 times greater than a mature tropical forest .
Stopping Deforestation at the Edge of the Bolivian Amazon
Rainforest Trust and our partner , Fundación Natura Bolivia , protected 2,259,969 acres of rich , old-growth , lowland rainforest in Bajo Paragua . The San Ignacio and Concepción Municipal Protected Area locks up 374,575,213 metric tons of CO 2 equivalents . A substantial reduction in deforestation and fires , particularly during fire season — July through November — has been noted since activities for this project began .
Safeguarding Rainforests and Biodiversity in Madagascar
Rainforest Trust and our partner , Nitidae , are working to establish protection for 275,325 acres of Madagascar ’ s Beampingaratsy rainforest . This old-growth forest is home to many threatened species found only on Madagascar . In addition , this parcel of land meets the criteria for RCAF funding as both a frontier forest and a carbon vault . Safeguarding this land from illegal logging and deforestation will lock up 43,367,857 metric tons of CO 2 equivalents . top mangroves in cuba | delpixel