Digital Marketing Matters Digital Marketing Matters - Summary Report | Page 3

Digital assessment Context .
It ’ s official - we live in one of the most beautiful parts of the world . And with increasing numbers of interstate and international visitors to the Tropical North Queensland ( TNQ ) region , there are significant opportunities for local business to create memorable experiences - those that delight customers and result in longer stays , greater share of wallet and shared stories .
However , the reality is that our world heritage assets , beautiful climate , friendly people and unique experiences doesn ’ t sell itself ! This is where effective marketing and sales strategies are essential to leverage the assets we have locally - enabling local businesses to get more value from this next wave of tourism growth . And with internet connectivity and mobile technology driving consumer behaviour more than ever - every business needs to have a digital marketing strategy .
In late 2016 , we set out to answer two key questions : 1 ) Are local Cairns businesses making the most of digital marketing currently ? 2 ) What investments can local businesses consider to get more from the digital economy ?

Digital assessment Context .

We assessed the digital assets of local businesses - namely company website and social media platforms .
Our analysis comprised 173 local businesses spanning tourism , retail and food & beverage sectors . The majority of businesses audited ( 115 businesses ) were Tourism Tropical North Queensland ( TTNQ ) Silver and Bronze members .
A multi-criteria assessment tool was developed and used to rank business digital assets .
We conducted further analysis on 113 businesses to gain insights related to Facebook Company Pages .
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