Digital Marketing Matters Digital Marketing Matters - Summary Report | Page 19

TTNQ Silver Members 79 %
TTNQ Bronze Members 73 %
Retail 32 %
Food & Beverage 75 %


8 . How many business websites incorporate social media share buttons ?
In the instant gratification age we live in , businesses that can provide opportunity for “ share-able moments ” via social media share buttons will tap into the dopamine fuelled behaviour we know as social sharing . It is amazingly simple , yet so few businesses seem to understand and embrace the opportunities available through share-able content to spread across the many social media networks .
Part of any digital marketing and web design strategy must include a clear pathway to encouraging social sharing and providing consumers with engaging and fresh share-able content .
Tangible benefits of including social share buttons within a website include :
• Increased brand exposure
• Enabling access to other / new networks
• Grow traffic back to your site
• Enable users to promote / advertise your offer
Businesses using social media share buttons on their websites

TTNQ Silver Members 79 %

TTNQ Bronze Members 73 %

Retail 32 %

Food & Beverage 75 %

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