Digital Magazine "Maths and Science Adventure" Digital Magazine "Maths and Science Adv_1st issue | Page 14

PAGE 14 Greek dance 23.11.2016 by Agnieszka Balska, Poland Greek culture is known all throughout the world and has a big influence on many things we do today. One example of Greek cul- ture is a specific dance, which we learned during our time in Cyprus. Thanks to the Erasmus+ project we had the chance to be a part of Greek cul- ture. At the school we vis- ited in Cyprus, we could learn the basics of this great dance – Sir- taki (Zorba). The moves, music and hap- piness we discovered while taking part were thrilling and fun! Everyone who has learnt Sirtaki enjoys it so much. Before we started learning, we watched a part of "Alexis Zorbas", which showed us how the dance looks. Once that was done, we started practicing. In spite of some initial difficulties, thanks to our great teacher and the students of the school in Cyprus, we achieved our goal. Dancing together and cooperating let us appreciate a specific part of Greek culture and also meet friends from other coun- tries. Thanks to this lesson we could share our dance at a later stage during the trip. 24.11.2016 Guided tour of Nicosia During our visit, we got the chance to take part in a guided tour of Nicosia, the capital city of Cyprus. We had an excellent guide who told us so many interest- ing facts about the history and the monuments of the city. We started our tour at the at the Liberty Monu- ment, which represents the moment when Cypriots gained their independence in 1960 and were no longer under the British rule. There were flags on both sides of the monument; the Cypriot flag on the left-hand side and the Greek flag on the right-hand DIG IT AL MAGAZINE