Digital Magazine "Maths and Science Adventure" Digital Magazine "Maths and Science Adv_1st issue | Page 15

DIG IT AL MAGA ZINE „MA T HS A ND SC IENC E ADV ENT UR E” side and the Greek flag on the right-hand side. It was in- teresting to hear that the orange colour on the Cypriot flag symbolizes copper, which Cyprus is famous for. It is said that the name of the country itself was derived from the Latin word for copper, “kuprum”. The olive branches symbolize peace. As to the Greek flag, the influence of Greece has been strong in Cyprus and the Greeks first came on the island as early as about 1000 years BC . The majority of the population on the island are Greek Cypri- ots and they speak their own dialect of Greek. The north- ern part is occupied by Turks.In the course of history, Cy- prus has been influenced by many different rulers and na- tions. After the Greeks, the Romans came to Cyprus, and in the 4 th century Cyprus became part of the Byzantine Empire, followed by the French (Lusignans) rule from the 13 th century to the 15 th century, the Venetian rule from the 15 th to the 16 th century, the Ottoman rule from the 16 th to 19 th century and the British rule from the late 19 th century up to 1960. Cyprus is rich in copper and it is situated in a strategically excellent spot, close to Europe, Africa and the Middle East, so that is why so many invaders have been interested in it. The Lusignans built a wall around Nicosia, but when the Venetians arrived, they built a new and stronger one. It has 11 heart-shaped bastions. Next we were taken to Archbishop’s palace where the famous archbishop and the first president of Cyprus, Makarios, had lived. In the front yard, there is also a statue of him. He sought to find peace between the Turkish and Greek populations, but some groups were not happy about it, so in 1974 there was a coup and Makarios was overthrown. One of the conditions of gaining independence was to ac- cept the intervention of “guarantor powers” (Greece and Turkey) in cases of conflict. Turkey took advantage of the situation and occupied the northern part of the country. About 200 000 thousand Greek Cypriots became refugees and had to leave their homes in the north, and Turkish Cypriots in the south had to move north. According to the deal, the guarantors had to leave the country after the sit- uation had been settled, but Turkey still remains in the north and the country remains divided. About 38 % of the area is under Turkish occupation. There is a so called green line that divides the north and the south. Even the capital, Nicosia (the international name) or Lefkosia (as Cypriots call it), is divided. In order to get to the Turkish side, one has to show an ID card or a passport. The north- ern part is only recognized by Turkey and the situation remains complicated. Hopefully negotiations will lead to reunification!Next to Arcbishop’s palace, there is Saint PAGE 15 John’s cathedral, which was built during the Ottoman rule. In those days, it wasn’t forbidden to build Christian cathedrals, but they had to be quite modest. On the oth- er side of the street we could also see Pancyprian Gymna- sium, the