Digital Magazine "Maths and Science Adventure" Digital Magazine "Maths and Science Adv_1st issue | Page 13

DIG IT AL MA GA ZINE „MA T HS A ND SC IENC E ADV ENT UR E” PAGE Our trip to Larnaca 22.11.2016 Our trip to Larnaca was on 22 November. It is an area of outstanding beauty - endowed with numerous attractions, waterfronts and scenic vistas as well as some of the is- lands most outstanding beaches. It is located on the south- ernmost coast of Cyprus and is the coucounthird largest city and home to the second try's largest commercial port. Larnaca Salt Lake is a distinctive landmark located to the west of the town of Larnaca. It is home to mi- gratory birds and is a perfect place to gaze at the al- luring plant kingdom . Natalia Boteva and Aneta Spasova, BULGARIA Physics experiments and mathematical quizes 23.11.2016 The participants did some experiments to learn about the cool physics going on behind the scenes in our everyday life. They explored the matter – what is it made of? How does it behave? What laws or equations describe it? They discov- ered how the laws of force and motion work. They were really amazed to experience how static electricity made their hair stand up and were able to prove for themselves that two results of static electrici- ty are sparks and a crackling sound. Every- body could touch and experience the models Cypriot students and teachers provided for them. The demonstra- tions engaged all of us in a fun and exciting man- ner. Natalia Boteva and Aneta Spasova, BULGARIA ,