Ball and Cone-you have a cone at the bottom of the arena and one at the top , you put a ball on and take it off at the top and pass it to the next rider .
Bending-five 1 and a half meters high poles strided between eight long footsteps , to bend in and out and turn at the top 5 th pole and bent back .
Old Sock-you have a bucket in the middle and five socks at the top of the arena , the first member has a sock canters and puts it in the bucket and then jumps of picks it up and jumps ( Vaults ) back on and passes it on but the 4 th and final rider does the same but puts their sock in the bucket on the way home .
Pyramid-two barrels one in the middle of the arena and one at the top with four square boxes , each rider picks one up and puts it on the middle and stacks them up , the first rider takes the first on the right then second takes the back right the third takes the back left and the last takes the front left
Pony Prep-you have a barrel in the middle with 8 letters to spell ‘ pony prep ’ each out of the 4 riders stop at the barrel and pick up 2 letters and canter to the top and your 5 th member of the team will be holding a high white post with hooks , and your letters have a hole at the top and your pony must stand for you to get it on the hook , the letters are double sided so the person holding the white post can see if you have spelt it right and if not you have to go back and sort it .