For parents the biggest problem that they at a continuous basis face is the irregular
eating habits of their teenage kids. This in itself is a very touchy subject “talk the
talk ….walk the walk” whoever said this hope walked in the way they talked. You must
be wondering why do I say this..well! many a times a major part of our eating habits
depend on what we see people do around us our parents being the first most important
being our parents. So if you as parents are asking to eat healthy it is necessary that you
do follow the same principle of eating healthy.Just like an engine needs to be filled
with high quality fuel for it to give you more mileage… needs to eat healthy to live
longer and live healthier for a longer life. But do we actually understand this concept…
do we actually even think of having a healthy salad while at KFC or at MC Donald’s…no
we don’t. We would much rather eat the fried chicken or the amazing mouthwatering
burgers. So then how can one change this new fad of fast food?