Different stages about life.. 1 | Page 8

This is the heights of stress that every teen pass through and there are another

bunch of people who are over conscious about their weight, height, complexion,

texture of their hair and what not common this is not funny even such over

consciousness lead to serious psychological disorder they tend to withdraw

themselves from social circle..All these confusions,dilemma,changes and challenges

results in psychologicalstress they feel that no one understands their problem and

nobody cares about their happiness troubled teenagers try to find comfort in friends

they try to be partof new social groups in this process some people fall into bad

companies starts getting into drugs and alcohol gets addicted to social networking end

up tattooing and piercing to show their rebelliousness they make reasons to stay away

from crowd and try to find newer ways to escape from the realities of the world..

To make the teenage years more easier various things can be done first and

the most important thing is a friendly home atmosphere where there are no

communication barrier where teenagers can discuss their problems with their

parents without any hesitation where parents can create awareness about moral

ethical and social values teens can join groups that provide service to society

so they can divert their energy in right direction one very practical way is time

management which will provide them enough time to work as well as play once

stress and pressure get overhead they can consult counselors who will help them

to get through their troubles.

To be a mentally and physically strong adult it is necessary to have a trouble free

teenage so help yourself and your fellowmen to get through the challenges of
