Different stages about life.. 1 | Page 7

Adolescence is the stage of life where we are not unable to put ourselves

either in the category of children nor adult…it is sort of a no man’s land…where we

are confused about our responsibilities and duties. We our confused as to whether

we should behave like a child or as an adult. It is the part of our life where we start

to move from depending on parents to depending on ourselves… where parents

want to give more direction and control but at the same time require us to think

and act for our self. they are at a stage where they want to decide for themselves

but are unable to do so because most of the times their dreams are overpowered

by that of their parents….Beginning from the dress they choose to wear ,the place

they like hang out to the college they want to join, the profession they want to

pursue etc. Parents fail to realize that world has moved far ahead from what it was

during their teenage years. Most of the time a communication gap tends to build

up between parents and teenagers. They try to hide things from their parents

worrying about their disagreement. they feel that parents to do not get what they

are trying to say or do. .this at times tend to put teenagers in greater problem.

There is dilemma, and the inconsistency is not soluble and therefore it creates

difficulties for both….

When compared to teenagers 30 years back, the present teenagers face more

problems. Pressures come from various part. Pressure is always around us from

parents to keep up to their expectation. Then comes moral and social pressure.

Pressure from school and colleges comes in form of never ending schedules of

test and examination, Long chains of assignments, parents and teachers

expectation regarding our academic performance.