Different stages about life.. 1 | Page 10

Discipline for eating healthy like I said before should begin at home continue into the

schools and colleges we enter into.It is not just what we eat that is a touchy subject it

is how we eat? What do we do after we eat? Weather we eat at all?....with the craze

for size zero hitting us all we can think of is looking good, wearing stylish clothes,

fitting into the smaller sized clothes, looking as good as a beautiful actress or a

model. Thanks to all these pressures that lie in front of us we are now developing

habits that could even prove life threatening. I would now like to inform you of the

more common so called diseases that is hitting us


People with anorexia have a real fear of weight gain and a distorted view of their

body size and shape. As a result, they can't maintain a normal body weight. Many

teens with anorexia restrict their food intake by dieting, fasting, or excessive

exercise. They hardly eat at all — and the small amount of food they do eat becomes

an obsession.Others with anorexia may start binge eating and purging — eating a lot

of food and then trying to get rid of the calories by forcing themselves to vomit, using

laxatives, or exercising excessively, or some combination of these.


Bulimia is similar to anorexia. With bulimia, someone might binge eat (eat to

excess) and then try to compensate in extreme ways, such as forced vomiting or

excessive exercise, to prevent weight gain. Over time, these steps can be dangerous

— both physically and emotionally. They can also lead to compulsive behaviors

To be diagnosed with bulimia, a person must be binging and purging regularly, at

least twice a week for a couple of months.