Dictionary Digital | Page 13


Article Tenth (tenders): Deliberately or invite studio tenders and/or works projects.

Article First (influence): To offer, give or receive improper commissions or remuneration and to solicit influence or use from them for the obtaining or granting of professional work, or to create situations of privilege in your actions.

Article Seventeenth (foreigners): Act in any form that allows or facilitates the hiring with foreign professionals or companies, of studies or projects, construction, inspection and supervision of works, when in the opinion of the College of Engineers, there is the capacity in Venezuela to do so.

Analysis: These articles state that an engineer should not act for bribery, fraud and corruption. These acts that are contrary to the exercise of your profession, may result in administrative and criminal penalties for violation of laws and regulations. Similarly, it is suggested that every engineer must uphold the prestige of the profession and ensure his full exercise; it also requires maintaining professional conduct based on ability, honesty and justice.

Third article (knowledge): Neglect, maintenance and improvement of your technical knowledge, thus de-scathing the confidence that professional practice gives to society.

Analysis: This article refers to the duty of each engineering professional to keep up with their fields of expertise, by participating in professional practice, participating in continuing education courses, reading and their participation in professional meetings and seminars.

Article Fourth (seriousness): To be offered for the performance of specialties and functions for which they have no reasonable capacity, preparation and experience.