patient notes were found to be short, difficult to de-
cipher and sometimes entirely absent. Dr. Goldstein’s
assessments were not documented, nor were his
patient treatment plans. This pattern of inadequate
documentation was consistent in all charts reviewed
by a College expert.
Equally concerning to the Committee was that there
were numerous instances where treatments billed to
OHIP did not have corresponding entries in patients’
charts. On two occasions, Dr. Goldstein made notes in
the patient’s chart, but did not bill OHIP.
By not keeping a comprehensive and detailed
patient history, Dr. Goldstein compromised future
patient clinical encounters, clinical decision-making,
and continuity of care.
With regards to billing practices, Dr. Goldstein
inappropriately billed OHIP for services for which
there were no medical records. The Committee
is troubled that although these deficiencies were
initially identified several years ago, Dr. Goldstein’s
record keeping and billing practices remain far below
the standard of practice of the profession.
Dr. Goldstein’s approach compromised patient
safety and continuity of care. Given Dr. Goldstein’s
record keeping practices, it would be unfeasible for
another physician or care provider to gain a compre-
hensive picture of a patient’s history from the records
maintained. Further, Dr. Goldstein did not fulfill the
requirement that records be properly kept in order to
bill OHIP for services.
The Discipline Committee ordered: a three-month
suspension on Dr. Goldstein’s certificate of reg-
istration; a reprimand and terms, conditions and
limitations on Dr. Goldstein’s certificate of registra-
tion. The terms, conditions and limitations on Dr.
Goldstein’s certificate of registration include: clini-
cal supervision; a reassessment of his practice; and
monitoring. He was also ordered to pay hearing costs
to the College in the amount of $6,000.00.
For complete details of the Order, please see the
full decision at www.cpso.on.ca. Select Find a Doctor
and enter the doctor’s name.
At the conclusion of the hearing, Dr. Goldstein waived
his right to an appeal and the Committee administered
the public reprimand.
AREA OF PRACTICE: Family Medicine Resident
HEARING INFORMATION: Statement of Uncontested
Facts; Plea of No Contest; Joint Submission on Penalty
On June 17, 2019, the Discipline Committee found
that Dr. Hwang committed an act of professional
misconduct, in that he engaged in disgraceful,
dishonourable or unprofessional conduct, conduct
unbecoming a physician, and that he has been found
guilty of an offence that is relevant to his suitability
to practise.
Dr. Hwang graduated with an M.D. from Western
University Schulich School of Medicine and Den-
tistry in 2016. Between October 2016 and July 2017,
Dr. Hwang was a PGY1 resident in the Family Medi-
cine residency training program at Western Univer-
sity. He had a certificate of registration authorizing
postgraduate education. On July 1, 2017, Dr. Hwang
was placed on a leave of absence from his residency
program. On August 24, 2017, Dr. Hwang was sus-
pended from that program, and was never reinstated.
Dr. Hwang’s certificate of registration expired on
June 30, 2018.
Dr. Hwang pleaded no contest to the following:
• In June 2017, Dr. Hwang travelled out of town,
and stayed with friends in their apartment. His
friends are also both physicians (“Drs. A and B”).
• Dr. Hwang installed a video and audio recording
device concealed as a USB charger in his friends’
en suite master bathroom, facing their shower and
• Dr. Hwang surreptitiously recorded Drs. A and
B naked and partially naked in their bathroom,
including when they were using the toilet and
• Dr. Hwang was charged with, and pleaded guilty
to, committing voyeurism against Drs. A and B,
contrary to s. 162 of the Criminal Code. He was
sentenced to six months’ house arrest, followed by
two years’ probation.
In addition, Dr. Hwang also used the Recording