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After all , you need to take care of yourself , so that you can remain hopeful and optimistic in your life .
If you think that these things have nothing to do with a health program , consider the fact that your psychological and emotional health is directly connected with your physical health . I would encourage you to do things which really make you happy . By doing this , you ’ ll find that your health goals are much , much easier to reach .
What happens if you don ’ t succeed ?
What happens if you slip up and you don ’ t stick to the meal plan ( although you should be aware that the majority of people who have started this program love the tasty , healthy recipes )?
Do you want to know what I say to people who come to see me and admit that they ’ ve had some difficulties and haven ’ t been able to stick to their goals ?
I just say : “ So ?!”
Seriously … What ’ s the problem ? You ’ ve had a moment of weakness – that happens to everyone . This has happened twice to me personally , the first time I tried this program myself .
To remedy this , consult your list and remind yourself of your goals and why you deserve to reach them . Then you simply carry on .
Forget about this one bad day , and don ’ t let it spoil your week . There are still six glorious days left when you can do a lot of great things !
Above all , like a baby taking its first steps , plant your feet firmly on the ground , and put one foot in front of the other .
Your new life starts today .
How do I know that ? Because the program that you have in front of you has already helped over 40,000 diabetics to suppress their type 2 diabetes , and above all take back control of their lives .
As you ’ re working your way through this program , remember what I ’ ve just told you . You should take care of yourself , do things which make you happy , and calmly continue to move forward , one step at a time .
You can do it , I have absolutely no doubt about that . Now , let me explain one important thing to you .
Diabetes Freedom Main Manual