Developing Horizons Magazine (2).pdf Spring 2015 | Page 11
over again, I went to my knees and asked the Spirit of
Wisdom for guidance and direction. There were times
when I was tempted to flee from problems and pressures and my inability to cope with them; but somehow, even in moments of confusion and indecision, it
seemed I could trace the steady hand of God’s sovereignty leading me on.” Likewise, making disciples is
the art of developing lives and Holy Spirit adjustments
are always necessary.
When something is working in a disciple’s life, invest
into it. Momentum feeds momentum as long as the
previous step to maintain alignment has been part of
the process. Setting aside that which is good in order to
Disciples are searching for role models, those who
know how to bring new birth through the initial stages put energy into the best is important to good stewardship of time, talent and treasure. This investment proof new life and those who are a few steps ahead and
know about things which they do not know. Disciples vides mutual support that brings spontaneous outreach
likened to that of the early church.
must have freedom to think, speak and consult, and
the power to imagine, decide and act in order to design
creative plans for ministry. In any group you will have If you want to experience your own personal growth
a few who are ready to move forward with the changes and growth of the ministry of discipleship, you will
needed and a few who are opposed to any change you have to live in the tension of change. Change is never
recommend. The rest of the people are looking for lead- popular with anyone, but when you resist it, you are
resisting the opportunity to grow. More of the same
ership, so focus on those disciples who are motivated
and are ready to move in a positive direction of inten- may be comfortable, but it seldom produces the excitement necessary for growth. Growth means increase in
tional growth.
size, a differentiation in structure and an alteration in
form. The more God brings the increase, the more we
As a leader you can’t do everything or be everywhere.
must continue the cycle of our own need to gain new
To make disciples that make disciples will require a
perspective. This kind of growth means making disciteam of leaders in agreement and moving toward the
same vision. Having the same vision, beliefs and values ples who in becoming leaders take time-out to renew,
recharge and re-establish the purpose for which we are
creates a God-centered organism. This focus doesn’t
ignore the expectation placed on you as a leader, but
it does recognize your limitations. Don’t drown in the
details or demands of the present and lose the perspective of forward movement. Strategies born within a
team create a spiritual matrix that is unbreakable and
working together in unity as a team is the power necessary for healthy growth and ministry development.
Burn-out is generally only recognized when you are
already “burned out” and still smoldering. The quickest way to burnout and ineffectiveness is to ignore the
priority of time-out and evaluation of past, present
and future alignment needs. When development is
taking place in order to maintain a “true north” direction, a compass always needs slight but continuous
adjustments. In Life Wisdom from Billy Graham, Mr.
Graham says, “The Lord has always arranged my life
that I have had to keep dependent on Him. Over and
Diane M. Hale is Director of Developing Horizons Ministries & Publisher of Developing Horizons Magazine. She
has been a missionary/evangelist and maker of disciples in
many nations for the past 37 years.