Developing Critical Thinking Skills | Page 31

next week ? Two techniques , test-retest and split-half reliability , were used to initially determine the reliability of individual components of PBDS . It was found that 150,000 + PBDS RN assessments yielded very consistent results over time — scores were found to be the same or within 10 % year-to-year from 1995-2015 .
Inter-rater reliability is another important psychometric process . Inter-rater reliability is important as it demonstrates there is a positive relationship between different raters using the same assessment tool . Inter-rater reliability for PBDS has been studied twice per year using samples of experienced and inexperienced RNs . Through these processes , consistent assessment conclusions and action plan development are determined .
Note :
Dr . Dorothy Del Bueno developed the Performance Based Development System ( PBDS ) in the 1980s . HealthStream acquired PBDS in 2016 .
Guthrie , K . ( n . d .) PBDS Clinical Judgment and Interpersonal Assessments reliability & validity . HealthStream .