Developing Critical Thinking Skills | Page 30

Construct validity
Predictive validity
The Validity of the jane ® Competency System AI Critical Thinking Assessments

Construct validity

Construct validity has to do with the degree that a measure assesses its intended domain ( s ). “ The PBDS Clinical Judgment and Interpersonal Assessments modules are based on an extensive matrix of variables , such as role expectation , urgency , complexity of patient complications , and physiological systems . This assures a sufficient number of situations representing clinical practice for each module to assess competence . Criteria for differentiation of expectations for entry versus competent versus expert versus unacceptable ability identified for each assessment component are reviewed by PBDS facilities in congruence with their performance expectations .”

Predictive validity

Predictive validity is the extent to which a score on a scale or test predicts scores on a similar measure — something that assesses the same thing . It was found that actual clinical performance ratings obtained during nursing orientation matched or were similar to 85-90 % of PBDS assessment results . Secondly , a reduction in patient liability claims were also related to these assessment results .


Reliability relates to consistency . Does the test consistently measure what it is supposed to measure ? For example , how do nurse scores this week relate to scores that might be obtained by the same nurses
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