Developing Critical Thinking Skills | Page 32

About the authors
Trisha Coady ,
BSN , RN began her career over 20 years ago in nursing , with a clinical background in coronary ICU , neonatal ICU , flight nursing , organizational development and nursing leadership . She also founded a healthcare-specific content firm , having developed thousands of hours of e-learning that were delivered through multiple systems across 10 + countries . Trisha serves on HealthStream ’ s clinical team as the senior executive , leading the vision and execution of our clinical portfolio .
Joe Caracci ,
MBA , BSN , RN has been a thought leader and innovator in the healthcare industry for nearly 2 decades . Whether as an RN , software developer , or CEO , Joe has successfully navigated the complex waters of the healthcare industry with a unique blend of nursing , business management , and information technology experience . In 2016 after the acquisition of his company , NurseCompetency , he joined HealthStream as the associate vice president of clinical assessments , where he led the development of our jane Competency Development System . He now serves as associate vice president of AI & Data Analytics on the Clinical Solutions Team .
Randy Carden ,
MBA , BSN , RN Ed . D ., a university professor teaching statistics and research , has been a research consultant for HealthStream for over 20 years . He is a peer-reviewed published author and formerly served as a consulting reader for two peer-reviewed journals . He has conducted research for healthcare organizations throughout the U . S . for many years and continues to design and lead studies in the field .
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