Developing Critical Thinking Skills | Page 25

Purpose of the study
evaluate a clinical situation or dilemma ? The following study sought to answer this question by comparing computer scoring with human scoring of nurse responses to clinical dilemmas .
This study assesses the validity of the jane ® competency system AI critical thinking assessments as an evaluative tool in scoring responses of RNs in situations where critical judgment is required .

Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study was to test the validity of jane ( leveraging IBM Watson with HealthStream ’ s proprietary scoring algorithm ). Validity is the degree to which a test , instrument , or assessment measures what it purports to measure . In this study a particular type of validity was evaluated — construct validity . Construct validity has to do with the degree to which an instrument measures a particular dimension , concept , or construct . In this case it relates to the degree to which jane measures the critical thinking / judgment of a sample of nurses as they indicate how they would respond to various nursing dilemmas and situations . In the current study , if jane scores correlate with a known measure of the construct in question , then construct validity will be established . In this study , jane scores were compared to scores of a trained , human RN using “ model answers ” established by PBDS .