Developing Critical Thinking Skills | Page 26

How the study was conducted
The Validity of the jane ® Competency System AI Critical Thinking Assessments

How the study was conducted

In order to assess the critical thinking of participants , nurses viewed and then reacted to a series of videos that were approximately 2-3 minutes in duration . Specific videos were assigned to participants based on the nurse ’ s specialty area . After viewing a video segment , nurse participants were asked to do the following :
1 . Identify the primary emerging issue or problem 2 . Describe the clinical observations that supported the perceived emerging issue / problem 3 . Identify action strategies that they would take 4 . Identify the rationale or reasoning supporting the action they planned to take
Nurse responses to the critical judgment videos were compared to “ model answers ” that have been developed through 30 + years of response data and evidence-based practice . The nurse responses to the videos were evaluated by a team of nurses who have deep experience using the “ model answers .”
jane ® was “ trained ” by leveraging artificial intelligence , powered by IBM Watson , and the PBDS database which contains more than 15 million data points of completed assessment responses . This training included identification of problems , observations , actions , and rationale based on “ model answers ” established for PBDS .
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