Developing Critical Thinking Skills | Page 24

The Validity of the jane ® Competency System AI Critical Thinking Assessments
The development of critical thinking / judgment skills by nursesis of paramount importance in the healthcare industry today . Factors , such as the following , have all converged to make the development of advanced critical judgment skills a top priority :
• A growing senior population requiring nursing care
• A high percentage of seasoned nurses taking retirement
• Nursing shortages in many areas of the country
• Increased patient acuity in many settings
• The need to bring new nurses up-to-speed as quickly as possible
It has long been thought that these types of skills could only be developed through years of on-the-job training and experience . Now , however , we are finding that artificial intelligence ( AI ) can play a major role in providing efficient , comprehensive tools for enhancing critical judgment .
The following paper details psychometric studies conducted by HealthStream to evaluate whether computers can perform as well as human evaluators in assessing critical thinking skills in nurses .


Human evaluators have long been relied upon to judge performance and to score tests and assessments . With the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning , it raises the question of how well can a computer analyze responses of nurses who are asked to
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