Ecobuild 2018:
The Event Shaped By
The Industry
ecobuild is returning to the ExCeL and Peter Murray, who are all members The CPD Accredited Conference
London in March 2018 and under the of the ecobuild Steering Group, which is Programme
new ownership of Futurebuild Events helping to set the agenda for the event.
This year’s conference takes its lead
Ltd, things are set to be very different.
The event is being designed and built Martin Hurn, Managing Director of from global environmental targets,
around the industry, bringing to life the Futurebuild Events, explains: “New, with sessions reflecting the concerns
latest technology, freshest thinking and independent ownership offers a unique of the built environment industry and
most innovative materials. opportunity to completely overhaul the formulating practical recommendations
event. for action. Some of the big issues
represented by the UN Sustainable
The event is not only being shaped
through comprehensive industry We believe that to be as relevant Development Goals, the New Urban
feedback, but also with direct input from and valuable as possible, we need Agenda and the Paris Agreement will
leading industry influencers. to understand and act on what built provide the focus. Speakers include
environment professionals want to see at experts in their field, including Jane
These include Lynne Sullivan, Nathan ecobuild. We see our role as to facilitate Duncan, Paula Caballero, John Elkington
Baker, Julie Hirigoyen, Darren Richards the agenda, rather than dictate it.” and Bill Dunster.