ecobuild Sustainability Showcases complete response to the housing crisis. Surrounding the conference arena will be The Edible Bus Stop returns with The Hive, where people, brands and companies will
the ecobuild sustainability showcases, ho me a pocket park highlighting biodiversity, be able to network and develop profitable
to the some of the most innovative solutions biophilia, health and wellbeing. Another relationships. These include:
to the issues facing the built environment. highlight is the WasteZone, curated by
futurebuild districts, each of which will
act as an immersive and stimulating area
architect, academic and activist Duncan • District Energy
The showcases will truly put sustainability Baker-Brown, which will allow visitors to • Building Performance
at the heart of the event. discover waste’s potential. • Infrastructure
• Timber
• Concrete
• Offsite
• Green & Blue Infrastructure
• Energy & HVAC
They will feature two full-scale builds,
The futurebuild districts
including the zero net carbon home from
ZEDfactory – designed to minimise fossil The conference arena and sustainability
fuels and annual energy bills. It offers a showcases are surrounded by the