Editor’s Choice
The Versatile Choice For
Architectural Design
Expanded metal is made in one piece without
joints or welds, which makes it ideal for
forming, pressing and cutting. There is no
metal lost in the process and, as expanded
metal is also virtually maintenance-free,
this increases the cost effectiveness of the
material. Combined with its high strength and
outstanding anti-skid qualities, there are many
valid reasons for using expanded metal.
RMIG Expanded Metal is a light, versatile screens, ceilings, fencing and protective
and attractive choice for building applications screening.
email [email protected]
Tel: 01925 839610
because of its aesthetic qualities and the
creative freedom it offers.
Visit www.city-emotion.com or
RMIG Expanded Metal has a modern yet
timeless look, and creates the possibility of
Expanded metal from RMIG has become designing unique and eye-catching shapes
increasingly popular among architects for its and expressions – yet another reason why
wide spectrum of aesthetic and functional architects favour this versatile product.
advantages, and is often the ideal choice when
working with materials such as concrete, steel RMIG has its own production facilities for
and glass. It can be used for both practical and expanded metal where sheets are manufactured
decorative purposes and it offers architects a from, for example, aluminium or steel. The
new level of creative freedom when designing expansion of the metal takes place in one
applications such as facade cladding, sun efficient production process.