Dendrology of the Tolowa Dunes State Park 1 | Page 45

Map Courtesy of USGS

Spiraea betulifolia

shiny leaf spiraea


Found on dry to moist, well drained sites in the sun; from British Columbia to southern California, eastward to the Rocky Mountains (Randall et al 1988).

Erect, sparsely branched shrub up to 3" high. Leaves 1" to 3 1/2" long, broad oval oblong; light green and smooth abouve, paler below; margins serrate to doubly serrate. Flowers very small, white, borne in a dense flat cluster. Fruit small follicle, about 1/8" long, usually 5 in a cluster. Stems slender light yellow brown and smooth when young, becoming reddish brown, and eventually grey (Randall et al 1988).