Dendrology of the Tolowa Dunes State Park 1 | Page 27

Ribes sanguineum

red flowering current


Occurs on dry to moist well drained sites in the sun or shade, on the west side of the Cascades and Sierra Nevada Mountains from Washington to central California (Randall et al 1988).

Loose brached srub to 10' tall. Leaves 1/2” to 3" in diameter; dark green abouve and paler and velvety below. 3 to 5 lobed and viened. Flowers red borne in long shoy racemes. Fruit dark blue berry. Twigs round, green and pubescent, becomeing smooth and reddish brown. Bark reddish to grayish brown, splits longitudinally (Randall et al 1988).

Courtesy USDA Plants Database