Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
port orford cedar
Mostly found on moist, well drained sites in the coastal fog belt region of southwestern Oregon and northwestern California. The range is a narrow strip 10 to 40 miles wide. Elevation range sea level to 5000 feet (Randall et al 1988).
Tree 125’ to 200’ tall, and 3’ to 6’ in diameter. Leaves 1/16” to 1/8” long, scale like, arranged in opposite pairs, and closely oppressed to the twig. Mostly blue green, white x’s on the underside. Cones round, average 1/4” in diameter, reddish brown with 6 to 8 peltrate scales. Twigs are flattened, older branches round, with thin brown bark. Bark is brown to greyish brown; fibrous, ridged and furrowed, 4” to 8” thick (Randall et al 1988).
Map Courtesy of USGS