DEMI LOVATO NEWS January 2015 | Page 10

My energy and endurance have gone way up. I feel so much stronger, and I'm much healthier. Normally I'd get the flu, but this tour I've had only a small sinus infection—knock on wood.

How do you work out when you're on the road?

[Singer] Christina Perri is on tour with me, and we're both huge fans of SoulCycle, so we actually brought bikes with us. Christina's taken a ton of classes, and she tells me what to do. It's superfun, and we usually drink a green juice or protein shake afterward and talk. It's nice to get some quality girl time in, too.

What do you do to motivate yourself when you don't feel like exercising?

A good playlist is crucial. Sometimes we'll blare music at the venue where I'm performing, and I'll run up and down the stairs or around the concourse. I also have a good team who are aware of my past health issues, so if they notice I'm having an off day, they'll be like, "Come on—let's go break a sweat!"

Why is it so important to you to represent an active brand like Skechers?

It holds me accountable. There's a certain type of fear that comes from being the representative of a healthy brand. To be honest, I had the same reaction to being featured on the cover of FITNESS. It's scary and intimidating, but it keeps me honest and motivates me to take care of myself.

Why did you decide to be so open about your bipolar disorder?

They say it takes the average person 10 years to get the right diagnosis and treatment. That statistic was very true for me, but I'm lucky to have the resources I need. Not everyone does. Sharing my story felt important if it meant that I'd be helping people get access to better care or showing that it's still possible to live a normal life.

Has honesty helped you stay healthy?