DEMI LOVATO NEWS January 2015 | Page 9

And she has her own skincare line, Devonne by Demi, and a line of hair extensions called Secret Color. Her confidence has also hit an all-time high. "I realized I'd rather be strong and happy than be what society thinks is thin and perfect and be miserable," she says.

By talking about her own struggles, Demi hopes to inspire others. Some of the proceeds from Devonne by Demi go to the Lovato Treatment Scholarship Program, which covers expenses for women struggling with mental-health and addiction issues. She frequently pauses midconcert to share personal stories and inspirational videos that encourage fans not to feel limited by their perceived flaws—a sentiment she holds close to her heart. "I know my past will always be a part of me, but I don't want it to define me," Demi says. "Right now I'm excited to live in the present and looking forward to the future."

You battled body-image problems for a long time. How did you finally conquer them?

I've learned to appreciate my body for what it is. It helps to remind myself how far I've come. I recently saw pictures from my first tour, and I spent that whole summer performing in the heat in a red leather jacket because I was ashamed to show my arms. And that was when I was 105 pounds! This tour, I've had the confidence to show my arms at every single concert. It may seem like a small thing, but for me, that's huge.

What's your healthiest habit?

Definitely working out. Exercising has been so important for my recovery, both physically and mentally. On show days I count my concert as a workout, but on my off days I try to work out once in the morning and again at night. It can be a lot between performing and traveling, so I'm careful not to push myself too hard.

What's the best thing you get out of exercise?