Dec23-WSCASpotlight | Page 8

8 - December - 2023 www . wsca . org WSCA Digital Spotlight

Board Meeting Minutes

Royalty : Bridget Behrns The silent auction this year raised $ 5,339 . Half goes to WSCA , and half will be divided between the new court . Raffle tickets raised $ 4,532 ; those proceeds go to WSCA . Arlene will be sending out half of the new courts award money , and the $ 500 to each girls Saddle Club .
Rulebook : Cindy Ladd All set for the 3 rule petitions to be presented at the General meeting . .
Safety Committee : Corey Swartout Absent . Corey was not as busy as in years past , big thanks to the care of the footing .
Scholarship : Julie Gintner 3 scholarships were presented at Champ Show to Taylor Jutz , Victoria Viteri , and Myranda Griesert . Julie will get the recipients thank yous and a photo to submit in the spotlight .
Old Business : Purchase of the new computer for Qualifications Coordinator . James and Jake are working on it .
New Business : members reviewed the Code of Conduct proposal as presented by Lynn-Ellen and Sandy . It was shared that this proposal sets great groundwork and expectations from WSCA members and support to volunteers . BOD would set up a committee to investigate any complaints or instances . It is clear and concise . This proposal is a good starting point . The desire of this proposal is that its information is widely available to all WSCA members . Motion made by Lori Taylor , seconded by Julia Northwick to move forward with this Code of Conduct procedure as proposed . Motion passed unanimously .
Ann Goebel announced fundraiser for 2024 Adaptive Riding classes , for drawing at General meeting .
President Lynn-Ellen St . Martin called to close the meeting to the general public for the reviewal and voting of Judge applicants . Board members asked questions about each applicant and making their requirements . Board members reviewed each applicants ’ evaluations . The Judges committee is recommending all 3 applicants for approval as WSCA judges , allowing them to move to the next level as probationary judges for 2024 . Motion made by Steve Bobzin , seconded by Julie Gintner for the approval of Jen Andrist as a WSCA judge . Motion passed unanimously . Motion made by Steve Bobzin , seconded by Lori Taylor for the approval of Lori Riegliano as a WSCA judge . Motion passed unanimously . Motion made by Julie Gintner , seconded by Amber Duncanson for the approval of Ashley Zutz as a WSCA judge . Motion passed unanimously . All 3 applicants will be in the probationary period for 2024 . Board of Director delegates Judges Committee to notify the approved applicants .
Adjournment :
Motion made by Kevin Berger , seconded by Ann Goebel to adjourn the meeting at 12:14pm . Motion carried unanimously .
Next Board Meeting : November 29 , 2023 Western Saddle Clubs Association , Inc . Board Meeting Minutes , October 29 , 2023 Submitted by Liz Bauer , WSCA Executive Secretary