Dec23-WSCASpotlight | Page 7

WSCA Digital Spotlight www . wsca . org 2023 - December - 7
Drills and Squares : Marlys Mooney Nothing to Report .
Futurity : Renee Lee Notice of resignation of Kathy Murphy . Entries were up about 20 %.
Historian : Tim Wampfler Nothing to report .

Board Meeting Minutes

Judges : Kim Ziegler Absent with Sara Schwartz reporting . All 3 judge candidates have fulfilled their responsibilities at Champ Show and have completed their guest judging requirements . Favorable assessments were given to all 3 candidates . The committee would like to recommend that the Board approve Lori Ricigliano , Jennifer Andrist and Ashley Zutz as WSCA judges , allowing them to move to the next level as probationary judges for 2024 . Board will review candidates and conduct a closed Board vote at the end of this meeting . MN POAC is interest in adding open and WSCA classes to their shows in 2024 and beyond . However , they have concerns with the pony height of 54 ” as currently listed in the WSCA rulebook , as their pony height limit is 56 ”. Kim asks if the Board finds this within reason , she will submit a rulebook change form to change the pony height from 54 ” to 56 ” to be in line with the pony breed associations who show at our WSCA shows . Sandy Strube shared that the proper procedures for a rulebook change would need to be followed . Beginning with our longest-term judge , Doug Jensen , the Committee would like to do a profile on a judge each month in the Spotlight . Kim will send out an email to the judges and ask them for a judge profile and picture to be published . The 2024 Judges Seminar will be held on March 22-23 at the Leatherdale Equestrian Center in Minneapolis . It will again be combined with the MN 4H and the format will remain the same as it was in 2023 . Deadline for 2024 judge applicant will be March 1 , 2024 . Would like this to be published in the Spotlight and on the website .
Marketing & Promotions : Rachel Duenow Sponsorship played an important role in 2023 Champ show and will continue to play an important role in future . Great job everyone . The live webcast continues to be great tool at Champ show . Almost 1700 more views than 2023 . Facebook is currently at 5400 followers and is a great way to communicate . Herald Journal is currently sending about 3000 digital Spotlights out each month . WSCA . org has about 11,000 users this past year , and OnDeck has about 4,000 . There is a new contact for Herald Journal , Liana LeDoux . Herald Journal would like us to look at changing the format of our website to make it more user friendly . Paul Hansen shared a note from a WSCA member , going to school for Natural Horsemanship in Dillon , Montana .
She said in one of their classes they discussed WSCA . He was happy to see that WSCA is reaching all the way out in Montana .
Nominating : Kevin Berger Everything is in motion for the General Meeting . He expects there to be some nominations for Board members from the floor . 4 positions are open , 2 are re-running and 2 to more to fill .
Procedures : Sandy Strube Nothing at this time , discussion for New Business .
Publicity : Lori Taylor Asking for Boards approval for the reimbursement of the outgoing court ’ s jackets . Motion was made by Kevin Berger to reimburse the outgoing court for their jackets . Seconded by Julia Northwick . Motion passed unanimously . New Court introductions . Reanna Benson , Queen , representing Scandia Riders , shared plans for upcoming Winter Carnival and NFR trip . Sara Schwartz , Princess , representing LeSueur Saddle Club , shared plans to attend upcoming Saddle Club ’ s banquets . Natali Steffensen , Ms . Horsemanship , representing Northwest Saddle Club , shared plans for banquets and Winter Carnival . Courtney Betsch , Ms . Congeniality / Ms . Games , representing Wild River Riders Saddle Club . Arlene noted that each of the girls Saddle Clubs will receive $ 500 for their title . The court will be helping at the General meeting .