Dec23-WSCASpotlight | Page 11

WSCA Digital Spotlight www . wsca . org 2023 - December - 11

General Meeting Minutes

Marketing & Promotions : Rachel Duenow We had a very successful WSCA raffle this spring that raised $ 15,000 and $ 5,000 of that was awarded back to raffle winners . Western Saddle Club Foundation generously added $ 10,000 in prizes for Champ Show . Thank you to all sponsorships and clubs who donated . Committee is looking to get out sponsorship forms as early as possible this year . The live webcast continues to be great tool at Champ show . Almost 1700 more views than 2023 . Facebook is currently at 5,400 followers and is a great way to communicate . Herald Journal is currently sending about 3000 digital Spotlights out each month . WSCA . org has about 11,000 users this past year , and OnDeck has about 4,000 . There is a new contact for Herald Journal , Liana LeDoux . Herald Journal would like us to look at changing the format of our website to make it more user friendly .
Paul Hansen shared a note from a WSCA member , going to school for Natural Horsemanship in Dillon , Montana . She said in one of their classes they discussed WSCA . He was happy to see that WSCA is reaching all the way out in Montana .
Procedures : Sandy Strube Working on new Code of Conduct procedure . Hoping to get that out in Spotlight soon .
Publicity : Lori Taylor New Court introductions . Reanna Benson , Queen , representing Scandia Riders , shared plans for upcoming Winter Carnival and NFR trip . Sara Schwartz , Princess , representing Le Sueur Saddle Club , shared plans to attend upcoming Saddle Club ’ s banquets . Natali Steffensen , Ms . Horsemanship , representing Northwest Saddle Club , shared plans for banquets and Winter Carnival . Courtney Betsch , Ms . Congeniality / Ms . Games , representing Wild River Riders Saddle Club . If anyone is interested in invited the new court to their upcoming events , please reach out to Lori Taylor , her information can be found in the spotlight or WSCA . org . Lori gave a huge thank you to the outgoing court . Visiting royalty were recognized .
Royalty : Bridget Behrns There were 8 contestants this year , congratulations to the new court , but huge thank you to the 4 who were not crowned this year . Bridget shared the prizes that each member on the new court will receive . Bridget gave a huge thank you Lynn-Ellen for her work as President this past year .
Rulebook : Cindy Ladd Steve Bobzin presented 3 rule petitions , one at a time .
New Class : Non-Stock English Pleasure , description was read , and President Lynn-Ellen St Martin asked for questions / comments . Sharon Schubert ( Boots N Buckles ) shared a letter on behalf of her as a Saddle Seat rider , and her club and that they are not in favor of this rule petition if it will eliminate the Saddle Seat classes . Steve Bobzin replied that this is only being presented as a new class , and not to replace any existing classes . He feels this would create more options for WSCA members and clubs . Bridget Langes ( Dalles Saddle Club ) shared that she sees this new class as an opportunity to add to their shows .
President Lynn-Ellen St Martin called for a vote by raising a card . Majority of votes were those in favor of . Petition passed .
Roadster Pony Class , procedural change to change the direction the pony roadsters enter the ring , to reflect how they are trained and to unify WSCA class with industry standards .
President Lynn-Ellen St Martin called for a vote by raising a card . Majority of votes were those in favor of . Petition passed .
Barrel Equipment , to allow for no more than 50 % of the barrel to be colored with permanent or temporary advertising . Barrels would have to be able to be replaced if covering is damaged .
President Lynn-Ellen St Martin called for a vote by raising a card . Majority of votes were those in favor of . Petition passed .
Safety Committee : Corey Swartout Absent . Nothing to report . Incidents were down this year , thanks to quality of the arena footing .