Dec23-WSCASpotlight | Page 10

10 - December - 2023 www . wsca . org WSCA Digital Spotlight

General Meeting Minutes

President :
Nominations From the Floor : Lynn-Ellen St Martin ( Crow River Riders ) nominated James Duenow ( Jus ’ Kiddin ’ Around Saddle Club ). James accepted .
Kevin Berger called for any further nominations 3 times . With no further nominations from the floor , nominations for President have been closed .
Paul Miller ( Boot Jack Saddle Club ) begged to move that this assembly cast a white ballot for James Duenow as President . Motion passed unanimously .
Arlene Bayer expresses huge thank you to Lynn-Ellen St . Martin as outgoing President , thank you for her work . Julie Ginter expressed thank you to Kevin Berger for serving on Board .
Vice President :
Nominations from the Floor : Steve Tibbets ( Hollywood Riders Saddle Club ) nominated Karson Duncanson ( Sterling Knoll Saddle Club ). Karson accepted . Glenn Strube ( Tri-County Riders of Watertown ) nominated Julie Ginter ( Minnesota Valley Riders ). Julie respectfully declined the nomination . Lynn-Ellen St Marting ( Crow River Riders ) nominated Lori Taylor ( Minnesota Valley Riders ). Lori accepted . Arlene Bayer ( Osakis Trail Blazers ) nominated Paul Hansen ( Little Mountain Wranglers ). Paul accepted .
Ballots were taken and Lori Taylor will serve as Vice President .
Correspondence : Read thank yous from Scholarship award recipients , new 2023-2024 WSCA Royalty , Doug Jensen Family and Dan Dolan .
Committee Reports continued :
Computer : Jake Flodquist Absent . Working on purchasing new computer for Qualifications Coordinator . Thank you to Jake for his huge effort for Champ Show .
Drills and Squares : Marlys Mooney Positive feedback from State Fair from Wright Saddle Club and Flying Es . Both clubs got to ride twice . Thank you to Paul Miller for helping with Music . If you are interested in Drills / Squares , contact Marlys .
Futurity : Renee Lee Absent . Letter read from Kathy Murphy .
Historian : Tim Wampfler Shared History on 9 founding Clubs of WSCA . They were Crow River , Eau Claire Bit & Spur , Le Sueur Saddle Club , Mankato Saddle Club , Northwest Saddle Club , St Croix Riders Saddle Club , Shamrock Hest Saddle Club , Trail Riders Saddle Club and Wright Saddle Club .
Judges : Kim Ziegler Absent . Sara Schwartz reporting as Vice chair . Board has approved as probationary judges Jen Andrist , Lori Riegliano , and Ashley Zutz . MN POAC is interest in adding open and WSCA classes to their shows in 2024 and beyond . However , they have concerns with the pony height of 54 ” as currently listed in the WSCA rulebook , as their pony height limit is 56 ”. Kim asks if the Board finds this within reason , she will submit a rulebook change form to change the pony height from 54 ” to 56 ” to be in line with the pony breed associations who show at our WSCA shows . Kim is willing to follow appropriate procedures for this rule proposal . Beginning with our longest-term judge , Doug Jensen , the Committee would like to do a profile on a judge each month in the Spotlight . Kim will send out an email to the judges and ask them for a judge profile and picture to be published . The 2024 Judges Seminar will be held on March 22-23 at the Leatherdale Equestrian Center in Minneapolis . It will again be combined with the MN 4H and the format will remain the same as it was in 2023 . Deadline for 2024 judge applicant will be March 1 , 2024 . Would like this to be published in the Spotlight and on the website .