Death: Before, During & After... Death: Before, During & After.. | Page 47

Death 35 becomes of these causes? Once the causes are created, there is no escaping from its ensuing consequences of its effect. Causes are created in every action. If someone insults you by saying, ‘you are stupid’, it is an effect. He has said this within the laws governing the science of karma. It is your past account. During this occurrence of insult, the negative reaction that occurs within you like, ‘your father is stupid’, is your cause for the next life. This may even spill out in reactionary words. These words are an effect of past life. The deep inner intent in any event is the cause. All else is an effect. What was dealt to you was well within the laws of karma. Your reaction transgressed that law. Did you understand this? Why are you silent? Questioner: Yes, I understand. Dadashri: So the causes are created in this life, and the effects of these causes will have to be endured in the next life. People erroneously believe the effect to be the cause and they try to change the effect. In anger they believe, ‘I became angry’. This is an illusion. The anger exists as long as this illusion exists. Really there is no anger. It is only an effect. And when the cause stops, only the effect remains and one is not responsible for these effects. These effects will not refrain from manifesting their intrinsic nature. Can Causes be Stopped? Questioner: There is a relationship between the body and soul, is there not? Dadashri: This body is the result and effect of the ignorance