Death: Before, During & After... Death: Before, During & After.. | Page 46

34 Death
egg . When the time comes for the soul to depart from one body , the circumstances and the event at the other end is also taking place the reception of the soul . Therefore after the body ’ s death the soul goes directly into another embryo . So there is no need to worry about what may happen in the time ahead . After death another womb is acquired and upon entering that womb , all the nourishment and everything necessary for its life there is immediately provided for .
The Three Travelers
The world is full of illusion and it always looks at external actions . It does not consider the inner intentions or meditation . The inner meditation is the real endeavor ( purushaarth ), for the next life and will bring forth fruits in the next life . During meditation , the subatomic particles of matter from the outside are pulled inwards into the body . They take on the form of whatever kind of meditation is in progress and accumulate subtly . This is how the causal body is created . Because of connections from the past life , it enters the mother ’ s womb and this is where the effective body forms . Upon death , the soul , the subtle body and the causal body all go together . The subtle body is the same for everyone , but the causal body is different for each person , depending upon his causes from his current life . The electrical body is the subtle body .
The Chain of Cause and Effect
There is birth after death and death after birth . Why does this cycle continue relentlessly ? It is because of ‘ causes and effects , and effects and causes ’ that the cycle perpetuates . If causes were destroyed , effect too would come to an end and another birth would cease to occur .
A person creates causes during his entire life . What